The origins of modern Pakistan, it can be argued, have their traceable roots embedded in the early nineteenth century, for much of its nascent idenÂtity – politically, economically, adÂministratively and architecturally Âtook shape during the 1800s.
British interests in north-westen’ areas of the subcontinent – Sindh, Baluchistan, Punjab and the NorthÂWest Frontier (the four provinces of modern Pakistan) – took a decisive military left-turn during this period, as the British precipitated events which justified, at least to them, the annexÂation of Sindh in 1843 and the annexÂation of the Punjab in 1849. It was not long before they lurched acros”‘, Baluchistan and then hurried towards the Frontier to establish a picket con fronting Afghanistan.
Eve-witness accounts of the variÂous campaigns were published almnst before the dust of war had settled, and in many cases these were suppleÂmented by vivid illustrations of the action. These were in the form of drawings, lithographs or latterly phoÂtographs. Many were published in separate albums or used as illustraÂtions by The Illustrated London News and The Graphic, popular news-periÂodicals of the time.
Using over 235 such illustrations, including rare works by Lt. William Edwards, Sir Keith Jackson, James Atkinson,William Simpson and some early photographs of Quetta in 1900 by Fred Bremner, each complemented \vherever possible by an ilppropriate extract from contemporary SO,I[(e5_ F. S Aijazuddin has presented 1 fasdÂnating collage of the major cities of Pakistan as they appeared to outside observers and visitors during the nineteenth century.